CHF 185.00

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  • The unique hair care from the inside
  • Beauty Vitamins Powershots
  • 100% organic vitamins and minerals from 5 kg Superfuits and herbs per dose with all essential micronutrients for your hair.
  • Unique innovative patented keratin – especially high dosage
  • Gluten-free, lactose-free, GMO-free
  • Made in Switzerland




Product information:

Your hair needs urgent support again? No shine, no structure and too much hair loss? BENEGANIC INTENSIVE HAIR CARE is a booster for your hair and brings back volume, shine and structure.


BENEGANIC INTENSIVE HAIR CARE is packed with organic vitamins and minerals – extracted from 5 kg of superfruits and herbs in each serving. Organic micronutrients develop their full effect in the body because they contain all healthy secondary plant substances that make up a natural vitamin complex. BENEGANIC INTENSIVE HAIR CARE gives your body all the important organic vitamins and minerals for healthy, full, shiny hair.


In addition, BENEGANIC INTENSIVE HAIR CARE contains an innovative patented keratin made from the wool of New Zealand sheep. The keratin structure is so similar to human keratin that it has been shown to be stored in the hair root cells and hair where it develops its activity.


One box contains 20 capsules and an aluminum bottle. With our innovative system you can simply put a capsule onto each bottle that you have filled with 100% apple juice. hen empty the contents of the capsule into the bottle and enjoy your shot! BENEGANIC has done them without any aromas, flavors or added sugar. Instead, enjoy your shot with 100% apple juice. Instead, enjoy your shot with 100% apple juice. So every shot stays 100% organic and tastes good!

In this new system, you can comfortably consume all of the valuable ingredients in one refreshing drink. At the same time, this increases the bioavailability of the ingredients.



• 100% organic vitamins and minerals from 5 kg Superfuits and herbs per dose.
• Innovative, patented keratin – particularly high dosage


Content: 20 shots with 2 g content each

Recommended daily dosage: dissolve the contents of one cartridge in 40 ml of 100% fruit juice and consume.


Ingredients: Acerola Extract (Malpighia glabra), Keratinhydrolysat from sheep wool (Ovis aries) (CYNATINE-HNS®), Mixture from extracts from Amla (Emblica Officinalis), Mushroom powder (Agaricus bisphorus), Bamboo shoots extract (Bambusa arundinacea)(Orgen Si®), Citrus bioflaonoids (Citrus sinensis), Soybean extract (Glycine max), Mustard seed extract (Brassica nigra) (Orgen Se®), Tomato extract (Solanum lycopersicum).


Free of gluten and lactose

The specified amount of consumption should not be exceeded. Food supplements are not a substitute for a
balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach
of children

Best before: see bottom of packaging. Do not store above 25°C and dry.

Made in Switzerland



BENEGANIC INTENSIVE HAIR CARE are POWERSHOTS with a high dose of innovative keratin and all organic vitamins and organic minerals, which additionally support the regeneration of your hair. BENEGANIC INTENSIVE HAIR CARE is the product of choice if you want a particularly active treatment for your hair.

BENEGANIC KERATIN HAIR BOOSTER is the ideal product for daily care of your hair. It provides lasting permanent support for your hair from the inside- with the innovative patented keratin and organic selenium – for permanently full and shiny hair.


Beneganic Intensive Haire Care
Daily serving %NRV
Beta-carotene 2.4 mg 300
Vitamin B12 7.5 μg 300
Vitamin C 240 mg 300
Vitamin D 15 μg 300
Vitamin E 36 mg 300
Selenium 165 μg 300
Silicon 40 mg . /.
Keratin hydrolysate 700 mg . /.
Citrus bioflavonoids 50 mg . /.

NRV= Recommended daily dosage according to prescription (EU)
Nr . 1169/2011
. /. = No recommendation available